Saturday 23 April 2011

The Departed One

I understood that cold and windy day
what you had in heart and wanted to say
when you looked me with those teary eyes
and heart pounding with strainsome cries

A hug is what you wanted I guess
a little wisdom, I wish, had me bless
to hold you tight and never let go
trying to obstruct the nature and its flow

I wonder why I took you for granted
where people change in this world planted
One of the loving souls I knew on this earth
your heart was pure like particles from hearth

They say cosmos works in mysterious ways
perhaps they'll play and bring the wishful days
when you'll remember the song I played for you
and come back to my universe, to the endless tune

I know I'll see you with another twilight ray
when those ashes will rise from another clay
I'll hug you tight in this timeless shelf
Just wait a little, I keep telling myself

Prashant Saxena

Wednesday 20 April 2011

The divine song

World thinks I am cold and unemotional
but for you is a song divine and devotional
deep inside that nobody can see
but my life dances to the tune of thee

The daughter of the sun, its rays
surround the earth in blissful ways
Your face shines like the sun in my mind
and the serenity sparkling with your aura divine

The air surrounds the world and the sky so blue
illuminating with fragrance of the binding truth
Your scent revives the air within me
Breathe the ecstacy, your spirits sets me free

The water heals in the saddest moments
My elixir you are in the hardest torments
surrounding me with your eternal wave
manifesting from the infinite ocean, the formless enclave

The earth stands still enduring everything
My anchor you are, my nourishing mystical being
witnessing the juvenile flings that seem surreal
but from my level the pain feels so real
You source my needs and desires that flow
To you, I come back again and again in this dreamy glow

By : Prashant Saxena

The Confined Soul

In the midst of the silent ocean
smiles the moon with its charming devotion
The sailor asks the sun of the night
O'lord guide me to my destination,
through this confusion and the momentary blight

I hear no more, the voice of the one
which connects the drops of the oceanic run
My path seems submerged in the waters of the dark
Help me with the wisdom, the light of shining arc
so I can fetch my heart and smile
and spread the jolly touch across the mile

The priestess of the night, the riser of the tide
spoke as the Jasmines bloomed to her musical wine
O'Lost one, do not be confused, do not depair
its a momentary game in the cosmic share

Rise above the worldy confinements and look
there's a world where the soul wanders without a hook
Your sufferings are mounted on your desires
burning you in the painful material fires
Greed, ego, lust are few of its forms
forever trying to control, defines their norms
So break through these chains and look inside
the world is within you and inside you ride

By : Prashant Saxena